Saturday, November 19, 2005

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire:

I have mixed feelings...On the one hand, it was a pretty good movie...On the other, it left out some stuff that I felt was necessary...Like the fact that the dragon is Norbert for starters, who leaves THAT out? I feel like they didn't give Cedric enough time, also, when he died, it was like, "okay, random kid died" but to those of who know the book, it is sad, we don't know him that well, but better than he is given time for in the movie. I also picked certain things apart with Harry afterward, but overall, I enjoyed was good times. I loved the effects with the portkey, kind of like a black hole, funness... I also thought the dragons were great! It had more humor to it, which was fun. Dumbledore, though, seemed different, he didn't even seem British a lot of the time, he had these very hard R's reminiscent of an American, not a Brit.


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