Friday, November 05, 2004

How can 59,000,000 people be so dumb?

Canada or Vodka?


So after I found out that W was not only going to serve as our president for the next four years, I wanted to move to Canada or get wasted. Since getting wasted would be cheaper, that's what I wanted to do. We bought some vodka and I got pretty drunk pretty fast, I felt like such a pussy, but since it was my first time really drinking, I don't really care. It was me, Matt, Amanda and Steve, interesting combination, right?

Poor Nadia

I talked to Nadia, who incidentally also got pretty drunk when Bush won, but she was happy about it. That's so sad.

Britain knows better...BRITAIN!!!

We left Britain (and a number of other countries) because we felt we could do things better, right? So why is it that the day after W is elected, they have papers with front page headlines like "How can 59,000,000 people be so dumb", and one which simply had a black cover and two words in the center of the front page..."Oh, God." If Britain sees it, why can't we?

Poor Jonnie

Jon Stewart is trying so hard not to just kill someone on camera, it's kinda funny, but at the same time really depressing, you know? He had a republican on yesterday and the guy said (paraphrasing here) Yeah, the last four years have been good for Bush, good for America, you've had a great four years, haven't you? Jon: Yes, I cheer as I watch my country crumble
He so wanted to kick the guys ass.

Poor Collin

Tough Crowd with Colin Quin might be getting cancelled and that's really sad, we should watch him more. I really enjoy the show, but his ratings look bad next to the Daily Show ratings, let's help him out and keep the t.v. on CC for a half hour after the Daily Show, eh?


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