Friday, October 17, 2003

You Might Be Butch If...

You slather on Old Spice instead of FDS.

You ask your friends to "smell your fingers".

You constantly adjust your balls even though you have none.

Your idea of a Brazillian Wax involves a car.

You have to pay on "ladies night".

You use words like "man" and "dude" to express suprise, and refer to your friends as your "dawgs".

You think "powder puffs" is a cereal and "nail tips" is a carpenters manual.

You get hit on by gay men.

You get offended when people DON'T call you "Sir".

You Might Be Femme If...

Your panties have flowers on them.
You giggle whenever someone says "pubic hair".

You constantly ask "are you listening to me?".

You lie about masturbating.

The last time you "went down" was when you broke a heel.

The only time you "pack" is when you go on vacation.

You see no sense in having your tires rotated. After all dont they rotate every time you drive?

You think WD-40 is a tax form.


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