Thursday, May 26, 2005

So I had an interview yesterday, I think it went pretty well, so now it's time for Gurrty to hope all is going to go well. I also got a call from another place today, but I dont know if that will turn into an interview yet.

bye...luv ya!

Saturday, May 21, 2005


1. Elvis is dead.

2. Jesus was not white.

3. Rap music is here to stay.

4. Kissing your pet is not cute or clean.

5. Skinny does not equal sexy.

6. Thomas Jefferson had black children.

7. A 5 year old child is too big for a stroller.

8. N'SYNC will never hold a candle to the Jackson 5.

9. An occasional BUTT whooping helps a child stay in

10. Having your children curse you out in public is
not normal.


1. Hickey's are not attractive.

2. Chicken is food, not a roommate.

3. Jesus is not a name for your son.

4. Your country's flag is not a car decoration.

5. Maria is a name but not for every daughter.

6. "Jump out and run" is not in any insurance policies.

7. 10 people to a car is considered too many.

8. Buttoning just the top button of your shirt is a bad fashion statement.

9. Mami and Papi can't possibly be the nickname of
every person in your family.

10. Letting your children run wildly through the store
is not normal.


1. O.J. did it.

2. Tupac is dead.

3. Teeth should not be decorated.

4. Weddings should start on time.

5. Your pastor doesn't know everything.

6. Jesse Jackson will never be President.

7. RED is not a Kool Aid flavor, it's a color.

8. Church does not require expensive clothes.

9. Crown Royal bags are meant to be thrown away.

10. Your rims and sound system should not be worth
more than your car.

Sorry, I just really thought these were funny

Friday, May 20, 2005


as many of you know, there is a worldwide epidemic that has struck down those poor, defenseless souls we call celebrities.

Even Lindsay Lohan-teen pop sensation-hasn't been immune to this widespread problem.

Our celebrities are being deprived of necessary food and nutrition. They can't afford to eat...what, with their millions and millions of dollars. How can you ask them to take time out of their busy schedules to eat a meal? Or perhaps, forgo buying a new car or $10,000 of clothes every single day? That is just heartbreaking.

I ask that you help sponsor a young boy or girl celebrity. For only $5,000 a day, your celebrity adopted child will receive the necessary food to keep them making movies, music, and tabloid stories possible for future generations.

dial 1-800-COKE-DIET now to help sponsor a child.

do you really want to see them all looking like this?? Posted by Hello

Thursday, May 19, 2005

so max and i finally make things official and he's moving to ohio tomorrow now...that sucks....GOSH...but hey, now I have a random excuse to go to cedar point, since ive never been, any takers?
so max and I are officially dating, but I found out today that he might be getting kicked out of his apartment....this means he may have to move back ohio and that kinda sucks, but he doesnt want to stay there for long if its a choice (smart boy, lol)

i applied at a place near the house for a summer accounting job, i know monday if i got it or not

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

'alo to the people who read this and have been neglected, I believe I mostly speak for kelly on this one, but I could be wrong...just thought I would do a quick update, since most of my blogging is done on myspace now, and I apologize for this, it's just more convienient, you know??

1. I got a job and then got fired because I was back in the hospital with an abcess on my tonsil.
2. I think the guy I've been kinda seeing wants to take it to the next that I really just mean stop being friends with benefits and start being in an actual relationship, I don't know how I feel about this yet, and I think I will wait it either case, I'll let you know if I end up with a boyfriend or not.
3. I'm almost healthy and hopefully will be able to get another well-paying job soon.
4. I want to go to tml this weekend (bu i get ff at 930 on saturday, so i will have to hurry after i get off) if anyone wants to go, let me know

i think that's it for now, I promise to keep blogging, but I don't really think anyone except kelly now reads it anyway...and maybe danny, but no big, it is still my blog and i still love it, so i will keep it up