Friday, April 23, 2004

Name The... (as stolen from Lauries blog)

Name two bad habits you have: cracking my nuckles and biting my nails

Name four things you'd never wear: daisy dukes, fur coat, thong, anything actually bought from abercrombie

Name four animals you like: kitty, dog, snake, tarantula

Name four shows you love: family guy, the simpsons, QAF, WIll and grace

Name two drinks you regularly drink: Coke, water

Name four random facts about yourself: i'm a dyke, but not a lesbian, i usually fold, but occasionally crinkle, i love toe socks, and i like dykey women

Name two random facts about your family: everythingabout my family is random, but i have 6 siblings, and jimmy (the youngest) is the coolest lil bro ever

Just Some Random Questions...

Is your hair colored? no

Do you have a tattoo? no

Piercings? just in my ears

Own a webcam? yeah but it's not hooked up

Have aol? just AIM, cuz it's free

What should you be doing right now? taking a shower

What are you listening to? rollie ollie ollie that my sis is watching

Can you do anything freakish with your body? freakish? sadlyl no

Chicken or fish? tofu

Do you have a favorite animal? any kind of animal is the best

Are You...

Shy? not usually, unless i have a crush on the person

Quiet? sometimes

Boring? rarely

The Lovey Dovey type? im a hpeless romantic

Have You Ever..

Helped someone? sure

Dissected something? pig, cat

Cut your hair? my own hair? yes

Random Questions...

What is in your CD player right now? ani defranco (yay lisa)

Who is your favorite Spice Girl? posh

Favorite Disney Characters? mulan, gotta have love for the one or two strong women dsney has put out

Favorite fast food? chinese

Favorite book? the dark light

Favorite Sports teams? meh

Favorite song? JKwon- Tipsy

What room is your computer in? my parents' dining room

What is your shoe size? 9

What will you be when you grow up? a grown up, but i dont wanna grow up

When Was The Last Time You...

Missed someone? right now

Told someone you love them? yesterday danny

Hugged someone? three weeks ago

Met Someone New? yesterday

The Last Person...

You touched? my little sister

You talked to? my little sister

That you hugged? matt

You talked to on the phone? my mom

You kissed? cant really say


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